
“Down But Not Out!” Ground fighting for gun guys class

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $150.00.

Down but not out/Fighting for your gun

Next class Spring 2025

Alma, GA at the new training house near the SETG range.

In this class we spend about 1/3 of the time on our feet also, don’t let the name of the class fool you. It’s a mix of standing and ground work, all focused on being able to access your tools (gun, knife) retention issues, etc. The class could also be called “fighting for your gun.” 

A serious student of violence must be well rounded in many aspects of fighting. If you carry a weapon for self defense you have a responsibility to be trained in it’s use. In addition, you should have other “tools in the tool box” other than simply a hammer. Too often though, the sad fact is that “gun guys” are the ones the avoid physical and combatives training. Some mistakenly believe that just them “having” a pistol on them will somehow keep them free from danger. However your CCW is not a “magic wand” that will keep you out of, or get you cleanly out of a bad situation.

It’s extremely easy to disarm a pistol from someone (come to class if you have doubts) and many situations will require you to go “hands on” prior to even getting the opportunity to access your handgun or knife.

Very often a fight will go to the ground. The ground can be our ally or our worst enemy depending on how much training and experience we have fighting on the ground.

“The ground is water, we are like sharks and most people can’t swim” is a saying in the grappling world and it can’t be more true. In brings home the reality of ground fighting. Experience will rule the day.

We invite you to come and start your journey by learning to swim!

This two day class will give you the basics to survive and fight on the ground. While a lot of the material will be based on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, it has been re-worked and tailored to CCW carriers. Most BJJ classes do not focus on weapons at all, nor do they look at the (very real) possibility of multiple opponents. Both of these things will be addressed in detail.

You will begin the first day learning to fall correctly and safely. Most importantly we will look at several ways to avoid going to the ground in the first place, even for an experienced ground fighter, going to the ground in a street fight isn’t the ideal solution. Then we will start looking at the worst case of being taken to the ground and we will cover escaping multiple positions and “safe” positions from which you can begin to access weapons and/or escape.

We will hit the range later that day to do some live fire from grounded positions as well.

While the emphasis of the training will be escaping and/or weapons access, we will also look at some simple joint manipulation techniques that we will use to impair the other person’s ability to access their weapons as well as some chokes in order to give us some more tools for our H2H tool box. Some simple short range strikes from grounded positions will be looked at as well. You will practice these techniques individually with a partner without resistance to begin with, and later have a chance to work them under controlled sparring.

During the last part of class we will bring in some experienced ground fighters to do some controlled sparring with students under some simulation exercises.  While this class is open to everyone, students will be required to exercise a high degree of personal control.

This class is open to ANY experience level. We will have several BJJ black and brown belts there and others with decades of ground fighting, all to help you learn.


NEW CLASS SIGNUP INFO- Starting April 2022,  you will be charged 50% of class cost upon registering and you will have to pay the balance of your class costs in cash the day of training. This applies to BOTH new students and returning students. The 50% deposit via a card holds your space in class with the balance due in cash the day of training. 50%  now and the balance in cash the day of training. To be clear- you are paying HALF of the full cost of the class now via CC and you will bring the remaining half of the total cost of the class with you in cash to the class. Example- $300 total cost with “Early bird registration” = $150 charged now on CC to hold your space for that class date, then you will bring the balance ($150.) in cash to the first day of the class.

“Bring a Friend” discount– Here is a great way for you to “bring a friend” with you and save some additional cash. Details- You make ONE registration for two people by hitting Quantity 2, you will then be charged for TWO deposits to hold 2 spots in class (50% deposit =  $150. X 2= $300.) The discounted balance that you will bring in cash to class for the TWO people will be discounted to $200. . (an additional $100. off). If however, for any reason whatsoever, the 2nd person (your friend) does not come to class with you, you will still owe the 50% balance  in cash for your single spot. In other words, if your friend doesn’t show you can’t use his “deposit”. Call if you have questions but this should be pretty clear.  This ONLY applies if you follow these very simple instructions and ONE person makes the registration for the TWO students, we will not match up individual registrations and give you the discount.

The following are some links to pictures and video from the March 2024 DBNO class.

DBNO Multiple Attackers

DBNO Partner Work

DBNO Push Stick Drill

DBNO Punch Block Defense

DBNO March 2024

More on our Instagram page JRHEnterprises




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