“SHTF Pistol” training class


6 in stock

SHTF Pistol at the SETG range near Alma, GA   Offered once a year, next class Spring 2025. Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter/sales alerts top of every page to get notifications of new class dates!

See the new  “Bring a friend” discount- details at bottom

See videos and pics of classes here-


SHTF pistol begins Friday afternoon on the square range fixing common problems with the basics of grip, drawstroke, sight alignment and trigger control. We move on from there to reload drills and malfunction drills. Scanning drills, engaging multiple targets and proper AA drills are emphasized.  As soon as it gets dark we break out the flashlights and work search techniques with flashlights as well as an extended session shooting with a flashlight in hand. Challenge yourself in our 2 story training house using search techniques under total darkness.

Day 2 we look at compression and extension drills, proper use of space and the creation thereof. One handed work to include magazine changes and malfunction drills. Ambidextrous gun handling is stressed throughout as we do in all of our classes. Movement drills increase in complexity as the day progresses. Working from concealed carry we look at multiple options to help facilitate draw from concealment. Use of cover, correct use of space, slicing the pie and drop outs round out the day.

Day 3 is all done with NO live ammo in our 2 story force on force training house. You will have a chance to work inside a real house that has some complex clearing problems including stairs, T intersections and tons of rooms to clear. First you will do this force on target against targets inside the house. Later you will get a chance to work against live role players utilizing gas airsoft guns in various force on force (FOF) scenarios set up to test both your verbal skills and your gun handling skills. You will have a chance to put in play the gun handling and close quarters skills you learned during the previous two days in live simulations. For Day 3 we will supply you a gas airsoft pistol for training inside the FOF house, however if you have a similar pistol you are welcome to bring it. Students will be required to wear protective eye wear during this day of training.

Short videos from SHTF Pistol

Flashlight searches at SHTF pistol


3 days of tactical pistol training

Early bird registration discount-   $500.00 total class price. You will pay a 50% deposit now to hold your space in class on this date. You will bring the balance (remaining 50%) in cash to class on day 1.

As always we keep class size small so you get more out of class. We strive to keep class prices inexpensive while also giving you the most training value for the dollar.

“Bring a Friend” discount– Here is a great way for you to “bring a friend” with you and save some additional cash. Details- You make ONE registration for two people by hitting Quantity 2, you will then be charged for TWO deposits to hold 2 spots in class (50% deposit =  $250. X 2= $500.) The discounted balance that you will bring in cash to class for the TWO people will be discounted to $400. (an additional $100. off). If however, for any reason whatsoever, the 2nd person (your friend) does not come to class with you, you will still owe the 50% balance of $250. in cash for your single spot. In other words, if your friend doesn’t show you can’t use his “deposit”. Call if you have questions but this should be pretty clear.  This ONLY applies if you follow these very simple instructions and ONE person makes the registration for the TWO students, we will not match up individual registrations and give you the discount.


Class reviews:

Some of the Best Dynamic Training


The SHTF pistol class is by far one of the best dynamic training classes out there! Handguns are one of the hardest firearms to master and in this class Robert shows the skills/importance of using them when “SHTF”. Day 3 of the class was my favorite, Force on Force training. We used all the skills we learned from the past 2 days into the last day. This is a training class for everyone who is interested in enhancing their skills with handguns and I highly recommend it.




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