
NV COMBO Class- Midnight Rendezvous 1.0 and 2.0 NV and carbine training class


Our popular Night vision and carbine training class- MR 1.0 and 2.0 combo class. Feb 7/8, 2025 Alma, GA

Midnight Rendezvous 1.0  AND  2.0

Next class date-  February 7/8   Alma, GA at the SETG Range- filling up, register now to get the discount and secure your spot!

Last two spaces available now!


See videos and pics from classes here-


You’ve been asking us for a combo weekend class featuring 1.0 and 2.0…. HERE IT IS!

We start Friday  with MR 1.0



We will start at noon so we can devote a little time to tuning up rifle handling skills. This way everything we do at night firing under NODS will already have been practiced during daylight hours as well- further reinforcing these skills in both daylight and under NODS.

These topics will include but are not limited to:

*Carry positions and presentations

*Optimal body positioning

*Scanning and AA movement

*Magazine changes

*Transfers and “off hand” shooting

*Positional changes, vertical displacement

*Movement drills and more.

After it gets dark we will break out the Night vision and continue the training. The training will continue on the square range and longer distances.  Culminating in a two man team “spot and shoot” exercise simulating the defense of a position involving detecting and engaging hidden targets with Night Vision at distance.


Saturday we will progress to Midnight Rendezvous 2.0

We start around 1pm  so we can devote a little time to tuning up rifle handling skills. This way everything we do at night firing under NODS will already have been practiced during daylight hours as well- further reinforcing these skills in both daylight and under NODS.

These topics in 2.0  will include but are not limited to:

*Movement warmups

*Working angles

*Barricade work

*Slicing the pie

*Transition to pistol

*Module on pistol work day and night

*More movement options

*Transfers and “off hand” shooting

*Transition to pistol

After it gets dark we will break out the Night vision and continue the training. The training will continue on the square range and longer distances.  Culminating in a team “spot and shoot” exercise simulating the defense of a position involving detecting and engaging hidden targets with Night Vision at LONGER distances.

“Why do you have a daylight training phase in a night vision training class?”  We have found that this offers the best way to allow students to learn these skills during the day, without the added stress of learning new skills for the first time at night. This isn’t your typical rifle class teaching the same old same old, or shooting targets at 5 yards with a rifle. We have found many of the skills we are teaching at MR1 and 2 are just not very common to the overall shooting community, including many of the .mil and LEO students we have had in class over the years. Therefore we feel it’s critical to have a “day phase” of training so that students can get familiar with these new skills first, without the added stress of night time. When it turns dark, we “mirror” the day training at night and the skills just learned are not “new” due to learning them during the day under less stress.  We have noticed the retention level of skills increase with this method. Over the years we have had good feedback from students on this methodology.

If you don’t have night vision equipment- LIMITED AMOUNT OF RENTAL GEAR AVAILABLE, register soon if you need rental gear!!-    we will have Night Vision devices there as well as rifles equipped with IR lasers that must be reserved ahead of time-use the options menu to reserve a PVS14, helmet and mount. Loaner rifles with IR lasers are available also but student must bring ammo. $50. rental gear is per day.

Information on what to bring, etc. will be emailed to all registered.

Early bird registration discount- BOTH days for $450. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT

NEW CLASS SIGNUP INFO- Starting April 2022, you will be charged 50% of class cost upon registering and you will have to pay the balance of your class costs in cash the day of training. This applies to BOTH new students and returning students. The 50% deposit via a card holds your space in this class with the balance due in cash the day of training. 50% now and the balance in cash the day of training. To be clear- you are paying HALF of the full cost of the class now via CC and you will bring the remaining half of the total cost of the class with you in cash to the class. Example- $350. total cost with “Early bird registration” = $175 charged now on CC to hold your space for that class date, then you will bring the balance ($175.) in cash to the first day of the class.

Class size is limited  and this event always fills up fast!

Check out our Instagram page for pics and videos from previous classes-


You will pay a 50% deposit now to hold your space in class on this date. You will bring the balance (remaining 50%) in cash to class on day 1.

As always we keep class size small so you get more out of class. We strive to keep class prices inexpensive while also giving you the most training value for the dollar.

Customer review-


Awesome class!


This class packs a ton of training into 10-12 hours. We started with a briefing on NODs, tactics, and fieldcraft. Then practiced spotting hidden targets in the woods during daylight via the jungle lanes, and did a dry run of the raid we’d do later that night. Donned our gear, zeroed rifles, and did square range shooting with NODs, standing kneeling and prone. Then we did the jungle lanes in the dark, experienced sentry duty using all our senses, and observed each other from ambush positions and while patrolling. Finally we got to do the live fire raid upon targets arrayed around a van on fire. How cool is that? Everything was done safely and professionally with measured pacing. Main skills derived: moving over uneven terrain with NODs, seeing how night lighting changes affects target ID’ing, identifying shapes amidst the chaos of foliage, seeing the capability and limitations of the PVS14s, sorting out gear issues, and shooting with an IR laser. Take this class, you won’t regret it.






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